Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Does Fuel Saving Device Really Exist?

The recent finding of experts and scientists say that our current consumption rate of fuel is sure to exhaust our valuable resource in the recent future. This statement has created an alarming situation and great pressure on the on the fuel industry today. Consumers have become conscious about having cars that use less gas and so have the car manufacturers, who have found an upward trend in the sales of fuel efficient cars.

To keep the situation under control some manufacturers are said to have found some devices which when fitted in their same old cars will monitor and efficiently use the same amount of gas to give better results. Though these devices have come into the market, will it be safe to use them, is still a question that needs to be answered.

When the government tested the testers made by companies, most of these available in the market turned to be forged. Thanks to the marketing team of the products and the advertisements that promised wrong things to people and attracted them with luring offers, to cheat them of their hard earned money. We always fall for cheap things but fuel saver devices that actually work and give you desired results may cost you a little more but will definitely give you satisfactory results.

After the tests were conducted, Federal Trade Commission has been taking steps to alert people to keep away from such fake devices, showing them what went wrong during the tests. The market is flooded with such fuel saving devices for cars, today, but to get the right one you have to do your bit of homework. Study what each one of the product is all about, how it works and why you should buy it? You could go through various results of the efficiency tests conducted for the device before you finally decide to take the product. The Environmental Protection Agency conducts tests and gives reviews on the product which also tell you all about the product and its performance.

Apart from making their car fuel efficient, a large number of people are shifting to gas or water as a source of energy in their engines. Due to lower prices of gas it is fast replacing fuel. It stabilises the budget of every individual and delivers better emission results when used in the cars. Though the cars that run on gas do not have engines as powerful as that driven by petrol, but, its environment friendly nature is what is welcomed to control the pollution level today.

A concept considered futuristic is soon becoming a reality with "water driven cars". Its' been exciting to hear news and reports talking about cars that run on water and save fuel. Though water as a whole is not combustible and cannot be used to run the car, but the hydrogen molecules when separated from the water, act as the main fuel source. Hydrogen is then taken through the air intake to mix with the petrol vapour and oxygen which when ignited by the spark plug creates an enormous amount of energy which runs the car.


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